Boys & Girls Clubs of Metro Louisiana NEW ORLEANS/LOS ANGELES, September 6, 2023 — Chad Brownstein has been named inaugural Community Person of the Year for Boys & Girls Clubs of Metro Louisiana. Mr. Brownstein was awarded the prestigious honor for his generous dedication of time and resources to philanthropic efforts directed to support at-risk […]
Boys & Girls Clubs of Metro Louisiana NEW ORLEANS/LOS ANGELES, September 6, 2023 — Chad Brownstein has been named inaugural Community Person of the Year for Boys & Girls Clubs of Metro Louisiana. Mr. Brownstein was awarded the prestigious honor for his generous dedication of time and resources to philanthropic efforts directed to support at-risk […]
Curabitur at arcu id turpis posuere bibendum. Sed commodo mauris eget diam pretium cursus. In sagittis feugiat mauris, in ultrices mauris lacinia eu. Sed sagittis, elit egestas rutrum vehicula, neque dolor fringilla lacus, ut rhoncus turpis augue vitae libero. Nam risus velit, rhoncus eget consectetur id, posuere at ligula. Vivamus imperdiet diam ac tortor tempus posuere.